About Us
For most of us, moving is a stressful event. You have to deal with
a new home, a new commute, a new neighborhood, or even just an
unfamiliar location. It's time-consuming and can be expensive. We
started Change My Address from a simple idea- helping people who are
moving save time and money. And if in the meantime we make their
lives a little easier and less stressful, even better.
addressgenie.co is located in beautiful Boulder, CO. We
currently offer our address change service, Change My AddressTM, and
we are developing Moving GenieTM and our Moving Concierge services
to help you get through the moving process with peace of mind-and
less stress on your wallet!
Address Genie™
Did you know that when
you "change my address" at the post office that you're not
changing your address anywhere except the post office? For
everybody that you do business wit--your banks, credit cards,
utilities, newspapers, insurance, and more-- you're just asking
the post office to initiate a "mail forwarding service."
With Address GenieTM we give one place to change---not forward---all of your addresses with your companies at once. And that will make your move just that much easier. Say goodbye to those little yellow stickers
Moving Genie™
The process of moving can be long and complicated. You have to move out of your old house and go through the process of transforming your house into your home. It's a lot to do - and it's not always cheap. Moving GenieTM helps you at each step along the way by providing you with offers, deals, tips and providers who are there to help.
We have partnered with over 3,000 companies to find solutions for you that really work, and we can even provide customized offers based on your specific needs within 24 hours through our Custom Offer Concierge. Just email us at [email protected] and let us know how we can help.